You’ve been told all of your life that lying on the first date is something that you should never do nor should you lie on any date. It’s considered a big no-no. Lying on the first date might cause problems later on in the relationship. The good news is, small lies can be fine at first. Just remember that you might be contradicting yourself and still putting the relationship in jeopardy with these white lies. In time you might even forget about the lie and it could cause problems later on when you least expect it. What lies might be alright for you to get away with on your first date or on other dates?

Check out these 10 White Lies You Can Tell On Any Date

10. My life is perfect right now
You want the first date to be about fun. Maybe even the second or third date. In order to avoid possible conflict or problems, you might say that your life is perfect right now when everything is in chaos. You could be behind in bills, unsure about work or just having millions of different things going on. We both know that your life is far from perfect but your date won’t ever know it.


9. I have a very busy schedule
You have anything but a busy schedule. In fact, often times you find yourself at home watching Netflix on a Friday night by yourself. However, you don’t want your date to find out. You might also want your date to think that you’re extremely popular when you have just a few small close circle of friends. There’s nothing wrong with just having a close circle of friends.


8. Trying new things is fun
Have you ever been on a date and all they seem to talk about is wanting to try new things? You might be just the opposite and enjoy sticking with stuff that seems to be familiar. In order to impress your date you tell your date, oh yeah! I love trying new things, its loads of fun. Be careful with this one. This white lie might put you in a situation that you dread later on.


7. You look fantastic
Inside you’re screaming! You idiot! Why in the heck did you wear this on our first date? You look terrible! You just fake it and tell them that they look fantastic in order to avoid a fight. The only problem with this white lie is that they might wear the same thing again or something similar on your next date. If you must lie about the way they look play it down and quickly change the subject.


6. I only have just one drink but sure, let’s go for another round
You’re at the bar with your first date or maybe just at a fancy restaurant having some drinks. You don’t want them to know you drink more than you do. You find yourself telling them you only have just one drink but sure, let’s go for another round. What they don’t know is not only do you have just one or two rounds but often times have 4 or 5 shots or more. Your date is passed out on the floor and you’re ready for another shot.


5. I love nature
Who doesn’t enjoy nature? It’s supposed to just be a peaceful walk in the woods after all right? However, you find yourself getting freaked out by all of those bugs that seem to be chasing you around. In your mind you play out scenes to where millions of different things could go wrong while your date is picturing the romantic side of nature.


4. I noticed you instantly
You noticed your date instantly along with 50 other people in the room. Maybe they just couldn’t take their eyes off you and you decided to be brave and see what they might be like on a date. Now, you wish you wouldn’t have falling into that trap or maybe you’re glad that you did. They don’t need to know you didn’t noticed them instantly.


3. My parents, siblings and I all happen to be very close
Yeah, right. You and your parents argue often along with your siblings. You just don’t want your date to know about all of your current family problems going on in your life right now. Maybe by the time your date really meets up with your parents and family you might just have worked things out with them.

Teenage boy and girl stick out tongues to each other

2. I’ve never been here before
Your date just decided to take you to one of the most famous restaurants in town. They are secretly hoping that you’ve never been there before but you have memorized the menu. You’re just hoping deep down that none of the workers might recognize you or say your name. We both know that could be trouble later on.


1. This is the best date ever
You want so bad just too run away the minute you sit down. You smile sweetly and say this is the best date I’ve ever been on when actually it’s the worst date you’ve ever been on. You’re hoping that your date will delete your number and completely forget that day. However, your date is thinking just the opposite of you and you can tell it just by looking at them. Maybe you should figure out where the two of you can go next time.


As you can see, some white lies might not seem big at first but then later on can be disastrous if you tell them. Just be very careful as to what kind of lies you decide to tell on your first date. If you have to continually lie on your date, then maybe you shouldn’t go out with that person anymore and just be upfront with them.