It is important to know the early type 2 diabetic signs and symptoms. This way you can start treatment right away. Delaying treatment can cause a variety of serious health problems to happen. Type 2 diabetes is very serious and there are actions that you need to take in order to control type 2 diabetes. Some people might not even display any Type 2 diabetic symptoms but just because a person does not display them, does not mean that they have not experienced the symptoms.

Here are the top 10 warning signs you may be a type 2 diabetic

10. Excessive Hunger

Type 2 diabetics might experience excessive hunger. Regardless of the excessive hunger that they feel, the patient might end up still losing weight. Insulin does not move throughout the cells the way that it should when you are diabetic. This results in your body not having enough energy. When your body does not have enough energy, extreme hunger pains can happen because of it.


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9. Blurry Vision

When the blood sugar is very high then what sometimes happens is the fluid gets pulled directly from the lenses of the eyes. After this takes place then being able to focus and look at something properly becomes almost impossible because the vision will be very blurry. Some people might even think that they need glasses because of it. However, damage can happen to the eyes over a certain time period if it continues to happen regularly and blindness could occur. Diabetes can also cause shadows, double vision, cloudy vision, bleeding, changes with your vision and floaters.


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8. Fatigue

There are lots of reasons as to why a type 2 diabetic might struggle with being fatigued. One of the main reasons is because of dehydration. Sugar is not being used properly and therefore, fatigue can happen because of it. Fatigue is not the only thing that takes place but another type 2 diabetic symptom is irritably, which is sometimes caused by being tired.


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7. Frequent Urination

Frequent urination is also another symptom of type 2 diabetes. If you start to experience extreme thirst or dry mouth and drinking more, you’ll find yourself using the bathroom a lot more often because of it. However, you might also experience times where you just feel like you need to urinate but nothing happens. Having an overactive bladder could be due to the diabetic nerve damage. Sugar also builds up in your blood stream system more when you have type 2 diabetes and the fluid is pulled from your tissues, resulting in frequent urination.


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6. Headaches

A type 2 diabetic often times suffers with headaches. The reason why could be because of having eye problems, high blood sugar and high blood pressure. Another reason why might be because of neuropathy. Over the counter drugs can help to relieve the headaches but it’s important to first talk with the doctor and make sure that it won’t interfere with any type 2 diabetic medication you might be on.


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5. Infections

Women often times experience yeast infections and other infections type 2 diabetic might have include skin infections, mouth and gum infections plus urinary infections. The reason why is because of the high blood sugar levels diabetic people might experience. The high levels of blood sugar could cause a person to have damage to their nervous and circulatory system.


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4. Dry mouth

A dry mouth is a very common symptom. It is due to the same reason as to why a diabetic might struggle with having to use the bathroom more. When a person starts to urinate often then it causes them to become thirsty, therefore dehydration can kick in a lot. It’s important to always have a bottle of water with you to prevent dehydration.


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3. Fruity/odd breath

Cells prefer to have sugar as their source of energy. When insulin does not work the way it should then the body starts to use fat for its energy and this is when ketones begin. One type of ketone includes having a scent that is fruity or might be compared the smell of nail polish remover. Mouth wash and mints can help to reduce the odd breath smell.


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2. Tingling or numbness in the feet or hands

When the sugar levels are high then damage often times happens to the nervous system. This damage produces tingling or numbness sensations throughout certain parts of the body. This is known as neuropathy. Sometimes it can take awhile before these symptoms start to appear and other patients might not experience these symptoms at all.


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1. Cuts and bruises take a long time to heal

Type 2 diabetic patients often times suffer with poor blood circulation. This can cause for injuries to happen and when they do occur could take a long time to heal. Serious problems might also come about from this happening. Infections could even show up depending o what type of injury the patient has had. It’s important to seek help from your doctor whenever you’ve had an injury to prevent infection and to make sure that it heals properly.


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Working with your doctor is very important. Be honest with your doctor about all of your systems so your doctor will know what type of medication and treatment you should have. In order to help with making sure that your doctor has all of the correct information; try to write down your systems. This way the doctor can also review your symptoms to see if you do need further testing done to confirm if you could be a type 2 diabetic.