Working in an office might be the ideal job for some but just like with any other job it has its own ups and downs. If you are thinking about applying for any type of office job then you might want to check these annoying things that you might have to put up with in the office. However, despite that these things are annoying doesn’t mean that you won’t enjoy your office job. It just means that it might not be the dream job that you wanted.

Check out these 10 Things That Might Annoy You When Working In Any Office

10. Co-Workers and people who ignore you

When you’re working in an office there are some people who just simply ignore whatever emails you send out. You can put important on them and try to change the title of the email but they just won’t reply. Later you might find yourself even trying to call them or send them a text message and then still no answer. You know for a fact that they are around and this is what annoys you the most because you know that they are ignoring you for whatever reason. This can even sometimes put you behind on work if they don’t reply.

9. People who brag about finishing every single task

Pat yourself on the back. You’ve just completed a lot of paper work and got things done on time. You’re moving onto the next assignment without even giving it another thought until your boss or co-worker starts talking to you bragging about everything that they have accomplished for the day. You realize that you’ve accomplished way more than them but decide to keep it classy and not say anything. A few minutes later they are back. Telling you of something else that they have accomplished, meanwhile it’s distracting you from getting your things done. In the back of your mind I am sure that you’re screaming “Big deal! I did more then you- shut up!” but you just continue on smiling and nodding.


8. Meetings that take forever

There are some office meetings that just go on forever and sometimes nothing is even accomplished during those meetings. Checking your watch every few minutes won’t help and in fact, could even make things worse. It’s meetings like this that you wished you could have called in sick for the day or managed to somehow stay at home. Nodding off during this type of meeting could be very dangerous as they might even fire you for it, so you have to force yourself to stay awake at all times. I hope that there’s at least some coffee in the room for you.


7. Making unnecessary sounds or noises

What about those people who for some reason just seem to suddenly talk real loud when you’re in the middle of concentration? What if they have a habit of yawning every few minutes? Some co-workers might also think that humming is a cool way to pass the time or even smacking on gum. You find yourself wanting to get up and smack them but you grit your teeth and stay in your seat knowing if you dare say anything that it could get you into major trouble.


6. People who always pull pranks

Pulling some pranks on other people at the office can be fun but when you do it every week or even every day, it starts to become more annoying than anything. People won’t find it funny and instead they might get very frustrated with you. Reserve the pranks for April Fools or just do them a few times a year on special occasions. Don’t become predictable for whenever you do decide to pull some pranks. Predictable pranks can also be frustrating.


5. Co-Workers who always want to find out about your weekend

People dread Monday’s for a variety of reasons. However, one of the reasons is because they know that when they step into the office on Monday every single person is going to ask them about their weekend. They will have to repeat the same story several times. There are some weeks to when this even lingers on until Tuesday or Wednesday. You find yourself wondering, “Don’t they have a life?”


4. Never cleaning up their work area

You do everything that you can to make sure that you get things done on time so that way a few minutes before it’s time to clock out you can clean your work area. You’re feeling very good about things and when the time comes to clock out you glance at your co-workers area and fear comes up. They haven’t cleaned their area in years and you find yourself wondering if this could even reflect badly on you. Hopefully the janitor will do a better job at cleaning it up.


3. Why is the bathroom always filthy?

It should be everyone’s responsibility to help clean the employee’s bathroom. You shouldn’t have to wait for the janitor to come in. However, you find yourself having to clean it up every single time you go in there. Annoying isn’t it? There are some times when you step in the bathroom that you instantly wished that you had another job. Maybe it’s time to crack down and see if you can start a chore list for everyone. Yes, I know – the thought was a good one.


2. Co-Workers who type noisy

Silence!! You want to scream so loud to the co-worker next to you. They are typing so very loud that you can’t concentrate. What makes it worse is that there are some days when everyone is typing loud. What about those days when you walk in and have a headache, sit down, start trying to do things then everyone types at once making you even sicker.

Businessman Irritated with Loud Coworker

1. Co-Workers who eat loudly

I don’t know how your office works but there are some offices to where the employee’s have random lunch hours then they bring their food back with them and eat…..and eat. During their entire lunch hour they seem to be eating so loud that you can’t get anything done. Between eating they might also be texting and doing other things during their break. This is when you wish that your office had a lunch room area. You are feeling very happy when you realize that their time is up but then another one clocks out for lunch.

Male office worker eating lunch at computer


Other annoying things you might have to endure include co-workers who call in sick every week, receiving emails that you don’t understand and even co-workers who try to set you up on a date if you’re single. Don’t you just wish you could take a vacation already?