Decorating the yard for Christmas is a lot of fun but what if you just want to decorate the yard for winter? A lot of people struggle with coming up with some ideas for just winter only. If you’re hoping you’ll find some Christmas yard decoration ideas then you might be disappointed because this is all about just simply winter decorations for your yard. I don’t know about you but the first couple of weeks during December we always decorated for winter then later we changed the decorations out to Christmas. Sounds expensive right? The good news is, you can have a nice looking winter yard and not even have to pay very much for it.

Check out these 10 Ways To Decorate Your Yard For Winter Under $20

10. Winter Morning Cardinal Yard Signs for Your Mailbox – $15

Winter morning cardinal yard signs look beautiful. There are plenty of other mailbox winter coverings but the winter morning cardinal is just a classic winter symbol. You can also add in matching winter cardinal flags and even signs in the yard so there’s a winter cardinal theme. The prices for them might vary but they are normally around $15 depending on where you are buying them from. You can even keep these up during Christmas time.


9. Winter Holiday Lanterns – Around $15

Winter holiday lanterns look stunning and I really love the cardinal lanterns. You can find all kinds of winter holiday lanterns and it’s rather difficult to name a price but if you’re on a budget then look online because some of them are just around $15 or less. I also like the snowman holiday lantern but that is more of a lantern you might see at Christmas time.


8. Winter pinecones over mailboxes – $20

Winter pine cones tend to be used more at Christmas but you can put them over your mailbox during the winter months and keep them there during the Christmas holidays. You can buy artificial wintry pine for just around $20 or less and drape it over your mailbox and you’ll be surprised as to just how beautiful it looks. Later you can also put Christmas lights around your pine cones when it comes time to change out the winter decorations.


7. Welcome winter signs – $20

There are big signs that you can buy for around $20 and put in your yard that say on them welcome winter. They also have mailbox coverings with Welcome winter on them. One of my favorite welcome winter signs I’ve seen has a snowman on it with snowflakes falling down around him. Other welcome winter signs might be red and green or yellow but normally they do come with snowflakes on them or they have some kind of wintry design on it.


6. Winter outdoor artificial flowers – $10

Didn’t get a chance to put out some winter flowers in your garden this year? Why not put out some winter outdoor artificial flowers? You will be amazed at how beautiful they make your garden look during the winter time. You also won’t have to worry about going out in the cold and watering them. The price on this also greatly varies because it depends on what type of flowers you want to put in your garden but you can buy some beautiful water resistant poinsettia bushes and just pay around $10 for them. There are even cheaper winter flowers for your yard available if you don’t want to pay a lot.


5. Hang up the plants in the yard – $10

Do you need some winter decorations for the porch? You can buy some hanging plants and put them on the porch. Make them special by keeping the plants looking subdued for the winter. You do have to be careful with the price on this one because you can easily get up there and find some hanging plants might be around $40 or more. If you’re on a budget and still want to do this one then I encourage you to shop around until you find some winter hanging plants that you can afford.

4. Winter Flags – $15

Winter flags seem to be more popular then winter signs for your yard. There’s a variety of designs also available for winter flags. You’ll find snowflake flags, pine cone winter flags and yes of course, cardinal winter flags. If you’re really on a tight budget you might even consider simply making your winter flag but you can find them cheap enough for just $15 or less.


3. Tall Polar Bears – $15

During the Christmas season you see a lot of snowmen but what if you want to do something different before Christmas? Have you ever thought about putting up tall polar bears in your yard? I can remember seeing some tall polar bears once and just loved them. There are kits available to where you can make your own polar bear and you’ll find that they are cheap but you can also buy them already made but they might be more expensive. I’ve seen some polar bear kits available for just around $15, which isn’t a bad price.


2. Decorate your windows for winter – $10

One thing that I enjoy doing during the winter months is decorating my window for the winter. I buy transparent cardinals and other winter decorations and put them on the window and sometimes will leave the blinds up so people going by can see them. This might not be a yard decoration but if you have your windows up and people walking in the yard can see them, then it almost becomes one.winterwin

1. Buy candles and light your pathway – $20

I have known many people who do this for winter but also leave the candles up for Christmas. This is something else that can get expensive but you can keep it cheap. I suggest going to the dollar store and looking for winter candles that you can put on your pathway. Research and make sure that you are adding them in such a way that it doesn’t become a hazard to you or anyone else. Lighting up your pathway can make your yard look simply stunning during the long cold winter months.



Most of these ideas you can use during Christmastime. Whenever your tight on money and still want your yard to look beautiful, I encourage you to just shop around some until you can find the winter yard decorations you can afford.