A lot of people feel that in order to have a high paying job that you must have a college degree. The good news is that these days you can get a great job that is high paying plus you don’t need to have a college degree with it. Some of the jobs still require you to have certain skills but not a degree. Sometimes experience is even better then a degree depending on what kind of job you have. Some jobs don’t even require you to have skills, just for you to work hard and show that you have what it takes to be successful.

Check out these 10 High Paying Jobs You Can Get Without a Degree

10. First line Supervisors of Correctional Officers
The median annual wage for first line supervisors of correctional officers is around $55,910. It does require for you to have a high school diploma but then they train you on the job. Once you’re an officer you can coordinate criminal cases that’s being investigated, oversee a variety of tasks that’s in relation to the operations that the police do and you can help to train the staff.

Urban Cop


9. Loan Officers
Here is another job that only requires a high school diploma. The median annual wage for being a loan officer is around $56,400. You don’t have to have any work experience for this one and they train you on the job for it. If you’re interested in becoming a loan officer you have to evaluate, recommend the approval of other loan applications for both businesses and people and then also authorize them.



8. Operating Gas Plants
A high school diploma is required to operate gas plants. The median annual wage for operating gas plants is around $57,200. This is another one that they train you on the job and work experience is not needed. Gas plant operators help with controlling the systems, doing round checks plus making sure that things are working the right way.



7. Fashion Designers
Going to college might help you to become a better fashion designer but if you’ve got the skills and talent for it then you can make a really good living from being a designer. The median annual wage for fashion designers is around $64,530 so if you have a degree or either if you have a lot of skills you might end up even making double the amount of money.

Fashion Design


6. Registered Nurses
If you’re content with just being a registered nurse then you don’t need a college degree but if you want to move up into the medical force then you might end up having to go after that degree. A registered nurse without a college degree can make around $64,690. Registered nurses help with providing and coordinating patient care, educating the patients then also talk to the public about a variety of health conditions.



5. Real Estate Broker or Real Estate Agent
Real estate brokers or real estate agents don’t require a college degree. They just need to be good at what they do. They act as the intermediary that’s between the buyers and sellers of property. The median annual wage for a real estate broker is around $58,720 but the talented ones can make a lot more. The job rate varies depending on if they earn hourly or from commission fees.



4. Web Designers
Being a web designer is something that requires a lot of skills but not actually a college education. The median annual wage for a web designer is around $55,000 but the price can greatly vary depending on how experienced the web designer is and how long it might take for them to design something for their client. Each gig that they do for web designing might change according to the demands of the client so the price a web designer makes greatly varies.



3. Web Developer
A web developer is not to be confused with a web designer. A web developer knows all about the applications from a web and can create a website. They might hire a web designer to help them with the design of the website while they actually work on the website itself. A web developer’s median annual wage is around $76,000 but again, just like a web designer, the wage can greatly vary. It all depends on if a web developer might be creating their own web sites or if they might be working for a client.

Working on computer


2. First-Line Supervisors of Detectives and Police
First-line supervisors of both detectives and police only need a high school diploma to do their job. These types of jobs require a lot of on the job training and skills for it. The median annual wage varies but can be around $78,200. Depending on what kind of job you might get in this line of work you could end up helping to coordinate activities for the police force and do a variety of other tasks for them.



1. Distribution, storage and Transportation Managers
If you’re a distribution, storage or transportation manager the median annual wage you might make could be around $80,200. It all depends on what you do as to the job description that you have. You could be in charge of the operations that range anywhere from shipping out the facilities to the railroads. You might also be helping with managing budgets, setting policies and much more.

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Some other high paying jobs that don’t require a college education includes acting, being a writer, artists, criminal investigator, special agent, records officer, farmer, mechanic and even a medical secretary. If you really want a certain job but might be lacking the education for it, still apply because you never know as to what might can happen when you do. Just remember the price range might greatly vary depending on your skills and what all is required for you to do. Sometimes the price even varies depending on the state that you live in.