It’s natural to be nervous on your first date. A lot of people tend to worry more on their first date. Often times the first date will be what either starts a great relationship or ends it. What should you do on the first date? How should you respond? Sometimes the first date can also be tricky whenever it’s a surprise and you don’t have time to think about things in advance. It’s always best to be prepared.

Check out these 10 Ways To Make The First Date Awesome

10. Show up on time
Make sure that you show up on time. Do whatever you can to achieve this. Showing up late on your first date might even make the other person leave before the two of you talk. Set reminders on your phone. Have people text and remind you of the date. Do whatever you can to make sure that you get to the date on time. The other person might end up ordering food for you while waiting and you could get stuck with food that you don’t like. All of the more reason as to why you need to arrive on time.


9. Keep the first date casual
Maintain your boundaries on the first date. This might be hard to do when you’re in love or have warm and fuzzy feelings inside, but maintaining your boundaries will help the other person respect you more. Keep everything appropriate and casual. Don’t touch your date often because the other person could find it uncomfortable or weird and back away. Keep things in check and balance everything out properly on your first date.

fall in love

8. Come up with a plan
If you’re indecisive on your first date then that can annoy the other person a great deal and might even show that you don’t care about them. State your opinion about something and find out what your date thinks of your opinion. Be open and honest with them. This is a great way to start things off with communicating properly. Be a good listener but yet also add into the conversation.

Happy Couple

7. Make sure to dress appropriately
Another reason as to why it’s good to have a plan in advance is so you can figure out how you’re going to dress ahead of time. Are you going to a restaurant? Call in advance and find out what kind of rules they have. Don’t forget that some places require that you wear a tie and suit. You don’t want to walk in a nice restaurant with sports clothes on. Your date also might go way out of the way to dress up as well and naturally expects you to do the same. I shouldn’t even really have to mention this one but there are many times I go out and see couples not dressed appropriately for the restaurant that they are in.


6. Don’t talk about your ex or other dates
Talking about your ex or either your other dates you’ve had before in the past causes you to look bad plus makes the conversation negative. Chances are your date will never call you again if you decide to talk about your exes and previous dates that you’ve had in the past. It also might be a sign to them that you might not have fully let go of your ex and that could scare them away from you. Instead of talking about your ex, talk about your future. Go over your dreams and what you have in mind. This will also help your date to open up as to what they want to do in the future.


5. Listen carefully to what they are saying
Don’t be looking around at the other people. Avoid glances at your watch every few minutes. Make sure that you don’t glance at your phone every few seconds. If you get a lot of texts or phone calls, consider just turning off your phone completely on your first date. They know when you’re not paying attention and to them, they will feel as if you’re heart is not in the date. They might just totally blow you off the next time you call from not listening to them.


4. Keep the first date simple
A fancy restaurant might sound amazing. You might really want to impress them but my advice is to wait on that unless if your date insists on going to one. Your date might also not have the proper thing to wear for a fancy restaurant and could be too embarrassed to tell you. Another thing, try to avoid places where the music is loud or the noise level is loud. It might make your date uncomfortable and you won’t be able to talk or get to know them properly.


3. Offer to pay all or half the bill
Keep some extra cash with you and offer to pay for half the bill or all of it. On your first date the other person might not have enough money to pay for everything. Only go to a place that you know for sure that you can afford and have enough to pay for two. If you don’t have enough cash then keep the first date simple and maybe just stay home and games together. You don’t even have to spend any money on your first date. Avoid seeing a movie because that means you won’t be able to talk and get to know them as much.


2. Prepare yourself for the date conversation
Before you go out with your date, go over the conversation in your mind. Know what kind of questions you might like to know ahead of time. Memorize a couple of funny jokes and conversations. This way when the conversation is silent you might be able to crack in a joke to lighten up that awkward moment. Write down questions that you might want to ask and say them out loud. This will also help you to not be nervous during the conversation.


1. Take a deep breath and be yourself
Take deep breaths before your date and just be yourself. After all, if you’re not yourself on the first date you won’t really know what they think of you. If you find yourself having to always impress your other date or act in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, then maybe that person is not meant for you after all.


If things don’t work out with the date then don’t give up. Just keep trying with different people until you find someone you can connect with and enjoy talking with them.