When you think of crimes committed by people your first thoughts might include bank robberies and drugs. However, what if you could commit a crime without having any repercussion from it? What would you do? Would you find yourself robbing a jewelry store or maybe committing some kind of fraud?

Check out these 10 crimes people would love to get away with doing if they could

10. Selling bootleg movies and music
Selling bootleg movies or movies is a big crime in the USA and throughout the world. Many would like to get away with it. Watching a movie or hearing music that’s bootleg is not illegal itself. Mainly the people who get into trouble with it are the ones who sale them. If caught selling them or making them then the guilty person can get fined a lot of money and jail time.



9. Commit tax fraud
A lot of people don’t like to pay taxes. Some try to cheat on their taxes. By doing so, they commit tax fraud and might not even be aware of it. Other people commit tax fraud by not writing everything down truthfully. Others just don’t simply do it. Committing tax fraud can hurt you money wise and get you into major trouble with the law. If you’re behind on your taxes and need help then you can always get professional help from places like H&R Block.



8. Use a fake id
Imagine if you could get away with using a fake id? What would you do with it? Where would you go? Would you ever use your real id again if you could get away with using a fake id? Another thing is I am almost certain that most of us would not put our real age on the fake id…that’s all part of having a fake id, isn’t it? A lot of teenagers already do this crime and…half of them get away with it. However, you never know when you might be busted which could cause you to have jail time.



7. Street racing
I will admit that I’ve seen some people do street racing before and I enjoyed watching them. I would never do this myself because of all the dangers that could happen from it but it’s still fun to see. There are so many things that could happen from street racing. Accidents could occur. Deaths can even happen from innocent victims walking on the road. These are just a few reasons as to why street racing is illegal. When I watched it happened I just so happened to be on the side of the road at the time and thankfully, no one was hurt from it.



6. Steal stuff
Most people don’t care to admit that they would like to get away with stealing but I’m sure at some point in your life you’ve had that idea. It’s more tempting to want to steal when you’re broke and don’t have any money. Others might want to steal under peer pressure. However, you never know when you might be busted for stealing and you could get into serious trouble with the law depending on what you’ve done.

Employee Thief


5. Lie to officers of the law
There are times when you don’t want to be honest with an officer because of the trouble that you could get into once the truth is discovered. It’s best to always be honest with them even though it’s tempting. You don’t want to lie about something and then later have the officer find out about it. If that happens your sentence or punishment might even be greater due to you lying and not being honest straight from the beginning.



4. Blow stuff up
When I say blow stuff up, I am mainly referring to junk cars or places that have been abandoned. Blowing up this kind of stuff can be lots of fun but it’s illegal. I know we all understand as to why it’s illegal but haven’t you ever wanted to just blow up that junk car that’s stuck out in your yard and just be done with it? Sadly, blowing up stuff like that can be disastrous and more so if you are surrounded by other people.



3. Win the lottery illegally
I think that this is one crime that we would all love to do and get away with it. Imagine winning the lottery illegally? The only problem is if you win it illegally there would always be that fear you would get caught. This would take away some of the fun from even just winning it. After you get caught, you might even owe a bigger fine then what you won from rigging the lottery.



2. Using or making counterfeit money
Speaking of the lottery makes me think of money. I know we would all love to get away with using counterfeit money. We would never have to work again and there would be an endless supply of fake cash. It reminds me of the movie Catch Me If You Can where Leonardo DiCaprio stared as Frank Abagnale, Jr and ended up fooling a bunch of people. He was skilled with being able to forger and making fake counterfeit money. If you haven’t watched this movie yet, then you should see it.



1. Speeding
Speeding is something that I think hits close to home with many of us. Wouldn’t you like to speed without ever having to worry about the law or getting a ticket? A lot of us out there have been hit with speeding tickets. So far, I haven’t but I know many people who have gotten them. You not only have to worry about paying off the ticket, you also have the embarrassment of going home and telling your family about what happened. If you’re under 18 then speeding could really have a great effect on you. It’s best to try and avoid doing it and just daydream about speeding being made legal instead of actually doing it.



There are many other things I think we would love to do and get away with it such as smuggling drugs, Laws change all of the time. If you’re thinking about committing a crime look up the current laws and how much trouble you could get into if you do it. Really think about it hard because it will go on your record and cause you to have problems the rest of your life if caught.