I have turned auto correct off my phone. I suggest that you do the same. If you haven’t turned auto correct off then you might consider doing so after you see these auto correct fails. You should always remember to double check your text messages before you send them out but sometimes you can be in such a big hurry that you don’t even think about it. After you think about it then it’s too late.

Check out these 10 Auto Correct Fails 

10. My love for you is strong I would buy you a casket – say what???

“Love you babe! goodnight!” “My love for you is strong I would buy you a casket if I could! * castle I promise I meant castle. Suddenly, Emily goes quiet and doesn’t respond anymore. Either she actually is really sleeping or she is just in shock over auto correct. How would you feel if you received this from someone? Next question, did they really mean casket and using auto as an excuse?



9. Where’s Grandma

Can you imagine receipting this kind of text message. I think that my heart would stop for a second and many emotions would hit me if I got this kind of message. It’s a good thing that it was just autocorrect and that she was in the garage and not in the grave. I am sure that they were even more grateful to see granny after having that kind of scare.



8. Are you sure it’s halls you’re sucking on?

Alright, I understand that you are sick. However, you made the same mistake twice. Are you really sure that the only thing you were sucking on was halls and not something else? What would be more embarrassing is if that was Sarah’s boyfriend. If so, I wonder what happened to their relationship afterwards.



7. Divorce Vs Disney

I say after receiving a message like this that the kid might need more then just a trip to Disney. Can you imagine what they felt when they read that message? Could you then imagine how he felt after reading the message and seeing that he was ruining his kids life? We can only hope that the two of them were able to patch things up and that they enjoyed Disney together.



6. Shaving

Wow, some people I guess just have all of the fun. It does make you wonder how long did it take her to shave. Especially, if she was saving more then just her legs. We can only hope that she wasn’t busted later for shaving more then just her legs. I wonder how long she ended up being and if they ever got to the place they wanted to go to on time.



5. He wishes

His auto correct just made the conversation better. Despite the fact that she was still mad at him, she laughed at auto correct. We can only hope that he truly meant to say believe and not breastfeeding him. Poor Daniel. He just doesn’t seem to have any luck these days, no matter what him or auto correct says.



4. Now, this is one way to sing happy birthday

Scott was at least clever enough and caught up with this fast and knew that she meant dear. Could you imagine someone else who might not catch on so fast enough how they would feel? She didn’t even catch onto it right away but, surely it was a mistake – right? We can only just hope that it was. He seems to be a very forgiving type of guy.



3. Dog vs Dad

I think one of the most funniest things about this one is that it took both Connor and the other person a second before they even realized that the person had said “dad”. The poor dad. At least the dad seems to get a lot of attention from them when he barks. We can only hope the dog gets the same kind of attention when it barks. The one who said dad instead of dog doesn’t think that the auto correction was so funny but I think it was.



2. We all know what’s coming after dinner

I think sometimes it’s just best to call them. When you have to explain things twice then maybe texting is not for you. Just enjoy dinner and the fireworks after. If you have to talk to Shawn when you’re out I would just wait and call him instead of texting. Maybe we all know where his mind is at right now. It really isn’t on the food after all and he’s just using the auto as an excuse.



1. Auto Correct Saves The Day

Finally. Auto Correct saves the day or did tampons save the day? Either way, she at least started laughing because of auto correct. Sometimes it’s worth having auto correct on and other times, it’s not worth it. I think that I would be laughing hard to if it auto corrected to tampons. I do wonder what she originally ran out of since we know it wasn’t tampons.




When it comes down to it, if you’re not happy with auto correct then you can always turn it off. However, you might find yourself having a good laugh with it sometimes.