I think that most of us have had a few bad bosses. They might think they are a great manager but only you and the other co-workers know the truth. What is it about these managers that makes them a horrible boss? Managers sometimes can be irresponsible, disorganized, and lazy and even just mean. They might want to take everything out on their employers. If you’re a manager check out these traits too see what trait you need to work on. Check out these 10 Traits Managers Should Never Have.

10 Traits Managers Should Never Have

10. Know It All
It’s hard enough working with someone who might be a know it all. It’s even harder when you have a manager who believes that they also know everything. Your manager might feel as if they are the go to person. Whatever problem is going on they will fix it. Co-workers might even be scared to speak up because of how the manager delivers the opinions they have in a strong way. The conversation will be monopolized and any input that a co-worker might give to the manager will be ignored. It’s their way or the highway. Try your best to be empathetic with the know it all boss and pick your battles. Sometimes you have to laugh things off and move on.



9. The sour face manager who never smiles
No matter what you might do, your manager never smiles. You go out of your way to try and get things done on time and your manager never changes expressions. They always look miserable. It could be the end of the week and time to clock out and they still look sour faced. Just let it go and continue smile at your work place regardless of their expression.



8. The disorganized manager
Your team tries to get things done and organized in time. However, the manager never helps. You seem to be more like the manager at the end of the day from the lack of organization from your manager. Your manager might even come in early and still leave things in a chaotic mess. You and your coworkers might try to have more meetings with the manager. If you see your manager has a lot to do then see how you can help out more so maybe things won’t be so disorganized.

Disorganized business women with folders and reminder notes on her suit and organized smiling business woman holding personal agenda isolated on white background


7. The manager who might be overly competitive
Competition can be good for the workforce. It can motivate people to get the job done on time. However, there is a fine line with competition and being overly competitive. When you’re overly competitive it can cause your co-workers to be lazy and do just the opposite of what you tell them to do. Try and always have healthy competition instead of competition that might be unhealthy for your co-workers.



6. The demanding manager
A demanding manager can be exhausting. Day after day you might find things added on to your to do list. You might be forced to get them done in a certain time. You might also find yourself having to stay late in order to get everything done. There are times when you have a demanding manager you just have to be up front with them and honest. If you’re scared to be honest with them then you might want to move on and find a job that doesn’t have such a demanding manager.



5. A manager who micromanages everything
A micromanager is a manager who looks over everything that you do daily. They might keep tabs on every single thing that happens. If you are a couple of minutes late then you might find yourself in trouble. Sometimes they don’t accept other ideas from coworkers. They want people to accept only their idea and might fire someone else if they come up with a unique idea. Talk with your boss and find out what they expect from you. Communication can be tough with micromanagers but it’s important to make things work.



4. The paranoid manager
Some people seem to be paranoid about everything. They could possibly have paranoid personality disorder. People that might have this disorder could harm others and even deceive themselves. Most people might be paranoid at some point in their life which is normal. However, when you have a boss who is paranoid about everything it can be hard to deal with them. They might get critical of other people and often times rigid. They also have a hard time with accepting any criticism. Take deep breaths. Try and remain calm and patient with your manager. Try to stay as positive as possible. Talk with them in a simple way and try your best to not argue with them. Be clear with communication but in a thoughtful way.



3. The manager who discriminates
Dealing with a discriminating manager can also be very hard. It is illegal in workplaces but it still happens regardless of it being illegal. When a manager is being discriminating and found out they might get denied a lot of privileges and even fired. Try and talk with your manager. Be honest and open about how you feel. They might not even know they could be acting that way. If things get worse you might need to file for a case of discrimination.

bad boss


2. A passive aggressive manager
Having a passive aggressive manager can be extremely nerve wracking. It’s as if your manager acts like a child whenever they don’t their way or they ignore you. Many people who are passive aggressive ignore the other person instantly instead of talking with them. If you’re dealing with this at work and your manager is nothing but a kid who seems to be spoiled and misbehaving there are a couple of things to do. Try and be creative with getting their attention. Don’t send them long emails or talk about how they ignored you. Use creative bullets or either presentations that look interesting visually. Make the workplace more enjoyable for them. Show up ready to be interactive, positive and look alive. Use your imagination and creativity. This will get their attention.



1. The manager who takes credit for others work
There’s nothing like working hard together on a project and then have your manager take the credit for it. You might find yourself listening in shock as they claim everything was their idea. In reality, you know you might have added even more to the project then them. Before any meeting or project happens talk with your manager about who might be getting the credit. Ask them how you’ll be receiving credit for the project when it’s done.



There are times when no matter what we do your personality might clash with your manager. You might just have to move on and find a different job when that happens. Always listen to your heart and also talk with a therapist to see what they might recommend when you’re dealing with a hard manager.