The world has gone crazy over Pokemon Go. It was just recently released in the USA. Pokemon Go has gained new fans over this new release. All you really need is just to download the app and be prepared to go outside and enjoy the game. However, if you’re ready to become a pro at Pokemon Go then these accessories might help you with that achievement. You can find many of  these accessories online at places such as Amazon and eBay. If you want these accessories really fast I recommend you check out for overnight shipping at the checkout.  You might also find some of these accessories at Game Stop locally. I will directly link you to where you can buy the accessory for Pokemon Go.

Check out these 10 Must Have Pokemon Go Accessories

  1. Portable Mini Led Flash Pocket Light

You can easily download a flashlight app for free on your phone.  However, this provides a lot more light and you might find yourself walking around at night a lot more often with Pokemon Go. This little mini Led Flash Pocket Light could come in handy a lot more then you think it could. I highly recommend it.


Where to buy:

  1. Waterproof Case to carry your phone in

Many cases are not waterproof. Instead of buying a brand new waterproof case for your phone, just buy a case that allows you to put your phone inside of it instead of replacing your case. You might have to go outside on a rainy day in order to play Pokemon Go so this is something to keep in mind.

Waterproof Iphone Cell Phone Case by VestPac

Where to buy:

  1. Dust Plug

You’ll find lots of dust plugs available for your phone. There are many cute dust plug designs. If you’re worried about the dust getting into your plug on your phone then this is the best thing for you to get. You could find yourself going over dusty roads when you’re playing Pokemon Go so this is why a dust plug could help you out.
Where to buy:

  1. Rotating Fan for your phone

On hot days, this rotating fan could be just the thing you need to cool you down after playing Pokemon Go outside. You don’t have to run into your car in order to cool off. Instead, just turn the fan on and in a few seconds you’ll find yourself feeling the breeze from it and ready to go and start playing again.
Where to buy:

  1. Battery Backpack

You can put your tablet and other accessories that need charging in your battery backpack when you’re playing Pokemon Go. This way if you need to stop using your phone and switch to your tablet when playing you know it’s all charged up and ready for you. I recommend a nice lightweight battery Backpack.
Where to buy:

  1. Battery Case

If you’re not keen on buying a battery backpack, you might want to invest in a nice battery case. Between playing Pokemon Go and possibly texting friends in between, checking Facebook and doing other things you could be surprised as to how fast your battery might drain. A battery case is the simple solution for this. Sure, you can get a car charger for your phone but when you’re playing this game, who has time to wait for the phone to be charged up that way?
Where to buy:

  1. Bluetooth Wireless Headphones

I highly recommend Bluetooth wireless headphones. You’re going to be doing things outside a lot with Pokemon Go and the last thing in the world you need is to get trapped or caught up in your cords with your headphones. Wireless might be more expensive but it’s so worth investing in. You can also look into a wireless headphone set that will allow you to answer calls when playing the game. Bellow is Skullcandy wireless headphones at a decent price.
Where to buy:
I know you’re thinking – no way, dell?! Yes, Dell has some awesome deals on Bluetooth wireless headphones.

  1. Selfie Stick

You might find yourself groaning at first at the thought of a selfie stick. However, if you’re going to play Pokemon Go, you could find yourself in locations you wouldn’t have been beforehand. Why not stop and take a selfie of the location that you’re at and share your selfie on Facebook or other social media sites?
Where to buy:

  1. Portable Battery Charger

Maybe you’re one of those that have a case you love and don’t want to change it for this game. This is fine because there are other solutions. All you need to do is just buy an extra portable battery charger that you can easily take on the go. You might find yourself having to charge the battery charger depending on what kind you get but this will save you from having to buy a battery case.
Where to buy:

  1. Nintendo Pokemon Go Plus

The Nintendo Pokemon Go Plus accessory is getting sold out fast in stores everywhere. There’s a good reason for this. The accessory is compatible with smartphones and can really help with enhancing your Pokemon Go Experience and take it to the next level. Whenever you have paired your Pokemon Go Plus accessory to your phone and it’s within range then if a Pokemon is nearby it will begin to viberate so this way you won’t ever have to worry about missing a Pokemon.
Where to buy:

Just be considerate of others and aware of your surroundings when playing this game. Don’t do anything that might put yourself and others in danger.