Did you just hang up the phone and hear some rumors about you that you didn’t like? Who started those rumors? You know deep down that you only told just one person. Could that person be really guilty of spreading rumors about you or talking behind your back? Maybe it’s just a paranoid feeling that people might be talking about you but how do you know for sure? Sometimes it’s hard to know when a person can be talking you behind your back but you can look out for the signs and see if it all adds up.

Check out these 10 Signs of When Someone Is Talking about You Behind Your Back

10. When they start to act different around you
You know your friend. The two of you have a routine. Suddenly, the routine becomes weird. Maybe your friend laughs in a different way when the two of you talk. Maybe they don’t look at you directly in the eyes. Pay attention to how they act around you and see if they start to act differently around you. They might not do it at first but in time they will start to act different especially when they feel guilty for talking about you.



9. Watch out for the whispering
Look around at your friends. Do you see them whispering or glancing at you sometimes as they whisper? You might even hear your name being said in the conversation. If you’re thinking that people are talking to you online and you go into a chat room and it gets quiet or they suddenly change the subject, then they might have been talking about you.



8. See how they respond when you touch their phone
If a person is texting to other people about you they will react and get extremely jumpy when you put your hands on their phone. Just pick it up when they are in the room and see how they respond to it. They might completely freak out when they see that you’re touching their phone because they are afraid of the messages that you might see on their phone.



7. Straight out ask people if they are talking about you
This is one of the hardest things to do but look a person directly into the eyes and ask them if they are talking about you. You can also do the same thing online with just asking if someone was talking to them about you. If they say “I don’t know” or mumble or don’t make direct eye contact then you know the answer right away. Maybe it’s time for you to get some new friends or either be ready to face the problem head on if you find out they are talking about you after you asked them.



6. The classic snarly look
Some people don’t care if you know that they are talking about you and could give you this expression to confirm it. Other’s might not know that they are looking at you that way but do it just out of spite. They might glare at you or either might give you a snarly look that will make you feel uncomfortable around them. If they are talking about you online then they might put up strange emoticons or show weird faces and not care what you think about them.



5. A sudden group might form
The person use to talk with you but now they are talking with everyone else but you or either with just a few group of friends. They all look at you when you walk past them or either the group of friends might stop talking. If they are talking online they might form a click and not include you in what they are doing or either not comment on what you are trying to say and just talk with only each other in the group.



4. Observe and go with your gut feeling
There might not be any changes made obvious to you so you just have to observe the situation and go with your gut feeling. Just watch what’s happening around you and see if in time you can figure out what’s going on or if they are talking about you. If you cannot find out for sure then maybe it’s just time to move on and get some new friends if they make you uncomfortable or again, just ask them out right if they are talking about you. Don’t jump to conclusions right away. Take the time to observe everything.



3. Watch their body language
Sometimes their body language can say it all. Observe their hand movements and watch how they walk. See if they try to walk quickly past you and watch their eyes. Do they take their eyes off you during the entire conversation? Do they act extremely nervous or get jumpy when they are around you? You might only be able to pick up on these signs with watching their body language.



2. It goes from hot to cold each time you see them
One of the most major signs is how they will change from hot to cold when you see them. They might act friendly sometimes then suddenly turn unfriendly on you. They might also change and turn cold when other people walk in the room. Everything could be fine until someone comes in and then they turn unfriendly. They might also get cold when you try to be nice to them.



1. Why are you even questioning your friends?
Think about why you are even questioning your friends in the first place. Sadly, if you are hearing rumors about you then that means they are talking about you behind your back. Just the fact that you are questioning it should send a red flag that something fishy is going on. However, sometimes it could just mean that you’re being paranoid. Again, observe the entire situation before jumping into any conclusions.



So, what do you do when you know people are talking about you behind your back? Well, either try to solve the situation or just simply move on. Moving on might be hard to do but could be the very best thing for you.