There are some foods that you should avoid when you go out on a date. The reason why is because they might be smelly or either just difficult to eat. Sometimes the food might even cause you to have bad breath afterwards, stomach problems or gas. Let’s say that you’re on your first date. The last thing you want to do is have your partner kiss you for the first time and smell bad breath. Another thing to think about is what you’re wearing. Imagine, getting mustard on that white shirt.

Check out these 10 Foods You Should Avoid When On a Date

10. Lobster
I love to eat lobster. However, lobster can get extremely messy and when you’re out on a date you might find yourself having to change shirts afterwards unless if you decide to wear a bib. Eventually you might find yourself eating lobster on your date but avoid doing it on your first one. Wait until after you’ve gone out on several dates. You might even want to wait until you know that your partner is eating lobster so that way if it gets messy then it won’t matter as much.

Lobster Saturday 2nd Feb - 160

9. Chili
On a cold day going out and having a bowl of chili might sound good but I would avoid having it on your date. If you have a sensitive stomach to spicy food then chili can cause stomach problems and gas. You might can opt in for having non-spicy chili but could still get the side effects of gas and make the evening extremely uncomfortable.


8. Hotdogs/Chili dogs
If you have just a plain hotdog on your date it might be fine. You have to really watch the ingredients on what you put on your hotdog. If you put chili on your hotdog along with mustard and ketchup then you might be looking towards a potential disaster. These ingredients can easily slip and fall off the hotdog and onto your shirt or in your lap. This can even happen if you just only put a dash of mustard and ketchup on it. So, if you’re worried about getting ketchup and mustard stains it’s best to just avoid the hotdog all together.


7. Corn on the Cob
Corn on the cob sounds great and it might be extremely tempting to get but think about it first. Think about the butter oozing from the corn on the cob and falling down on your shirt. After that, think about the corn getting stuck in between your teeth. Another thing is that corn on the cob can be loud and just overall, extremely messy to eat. You can have corn but just not corn on the cob.


6. Frog Legs
Frog legs tend to be more popular in Indonesia, Spain, Portugal, India, Thailand and in other various regions. However, there are plenty of people in the USA who also eat them. If you’re adventurous and enjoy having frog legs eat them alone unless if you know for a fact that your date likes them. You might end up completely grossing your date out if you decide to eat them. If a person doesn’t like frog legs and sees you eating them, it might even completely cause them to not have an appetite at all.


5. Spaghetti
You might be surprised to see spaghetti on the list but let’s stop and think about it for a few seconds. Spaghetti can get extremely messy fast. You never know when some of the sauce might splatter on your shirt. When that happens it might become almost impossible for you to clean and get rid of the stain. If your date is eating spaghetti it might be fine but if not, then you might want to avoid it.

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4. Sloppy Joe Sandwiches
There are lots of sandwiches you might want to avoid but the one that tends to be extremely messy is the Sloppy Joe sandwich. Think about all of the ingredients in a Sloppy Joe. There’s ground beef, ketchup, onions and a variety of other seasons packed in this one hamburger. Between it being messy you might also end up with bad breath. Generally, I tend to almost instantly pour tons of ketchup on my sloppy joe. On a date, that could be extremely dangerous.


3. Fried Onions or just onions in general
Avoid having onions in your hamburgers or in your food. It can cause bad breath and gas plus stomach problems. Fried onions might sound like a great side order but again, you’ll get the same problems with those as you would just having regular onions so it’s best just completely avoid them. If you’re having a hamburger asks if they can hold the onions.


2. Broccoli
Broccoli is extremely popular at restaurants and often served on the side with some meals. However, it’s best to avoid broccoli when you’re on your date. Broccoli can stick in between our teeth and even cause bad breath plus stomach problems if you’re sensitive. Instead of broccoli go for a salad or either maybe carrots. Having a salad is really your best option when you’re on a date. Spinach is another green vegetable that you might want to avoid having on your date.


1. Garlic
Don’t touch anything with garlic in it. This includes that garlic bread that you might get at the Olive Garden. Garlic might be extremely healthy for you but when you’re out on a date it think about what all garlic could do. Garlic can cause you to have bad breath almost instantly. The worst part about having bad breath from garlic is that it can take several hours to get rid of it unless if you have strong peppermint gum or peppermint candies or can brush your teeth right afterwards. It doesn’t even matter if your date is having it. Avoid having it because you never know what you might be doing next or what could happen after your date.


Some other food items that you want to avoid include baked beans, burritos, Brussels sprouts, liver, snails, jellied eels and beef tongue.