If you’re bored with life and feeling in a rut maybe one thing that you should do is review the life goals that you have. Sometimes life goals need to be changed. If you’re still trying too accomplish the same goal you had last year then review it. Does the goal really serve you? Do you need to change it? How are you trying to achieve your goal? Look at the goals you have often. Write down what you’re doing too achieve them. If you’re unsure as to what life goals you should have here are 10 Lifetime Goals you might consider adding too your list.

10 Lifetime Goals for Your Vision board

10. Travel
There are so many places in which you can travel. If you don’t know where to go just look at the map. There’s places like the Great Wall of China, The Eiffel Tower, the Great Pyramids and even other places like Disney world. It doesn’t matter if you’re with your family or by yourself, you can make a vision board and lifetime goal to visit unique and exciting places. This could help inspire you with working and a way to award yourself.


9. Learn new things
One way to get out of a rut is with learning new things. Everyone can learn something new. Think about the things you know already compared to what you don’t know. What about painting or writing? If you already do those things look at ways to improve your skills. Another thing is to consider even learning something new on social media to help you understand technology better and how you can learn from it. Learning new things is so much fun.


8. Get healthier
You might groan on this one and think how could this be a lifetime goal? However, it’s very easy to slip and fall back with your health. You might feel off because of getting sick or not keeping up with exercise. In order to inspire you with becoming healthy look into running in a race. If not a race, maybe just try and start doing power walks in the morning. Do a vision board centered around your health and start seeing yourself that way to help you with becoming healthier to achieve your goals.


7. Retire debt free and rich
Don’t say this isn’t possible. If you plan everything out and do things accordingly, you very well could achieve this. You have to see yourself as debt free and rich. Write down lifetime goals to help you with becoming this way. If you’re already doubting yourself and saying it isn’t possible to become rich and debt free at the same time, then change your thinking and start thinking positive.

6. Caring for people better
In this day and age it can be hard sometimes to have empathy for people. When you’ve been hurt or find that people don’t seem to listen it’s hard to care for them. Try and make it a lifetime goal to care for people regardless of how you’ve been hurt. Let go of the past, learn from it but spread light and love to others at the same time. You will feel much better. See yourself surrounded by people who care for you and that you care for them.


5. Become inspiring and teach others
When you teach and inspire others it helps others to know they are not alone. This is not to be confused with caring for people but that can fall in naturally as you’re inspiring others. Set the example good for people to follow you. If someone has lots of questions and wants your help, figure out the best way to help them. Don’t become cold and shut them off. Later, they could be just the one to save you.

4. Learn Survival Techniques
It can be a lifetime goal to learn survival techniques. These techniques vary, and you can switch them up over the years. If you feel like you’ve learned everything research for new survival techniques and watch survival movies for more ideas. Some of these techniques might even include things such as being able to defend yourself and taking karate classes.


3. Learn Horseback Riding
Riding horses can benefit you in many ways. When you’re on a horse you’ll be amazed at how you feel and how strong you feel on the inside. Horseback riding is very energizing. When you’re done with riding clean the horse and spend time with the animal and get to know them. Learning how to ride a horse can be accomplished with the right trainer.


2. Help the homeless
When you find yourself low on money or struggling it can be hard to give. You might find yourself even wanting to hang on to everything that you have. However, helping out the homeless and giving might be the best thing ever for you. You could be helping to save their life even with just giving them a bottle of water. It doesn’t have to be anything big. Just giving them a hug even might be the only thing that they need. Show them that you care and that better days will be coming their way.


1. Take one photo daily
One way to inspire others and become an inspiration is with taking one photo daily. When you take a picture every day it will also help you to see how far you’ve come in your life goals. It doesn’t have to be a picture of you. It can be one of nature, animals, food or just something totally random. Add your pictures to a book and save that book to share with your family later in life.


These are just some of the lifetime goals you can make. There are lots of others that you can do such as making snow angels every winter. The main thing is to try and get out of the rut you’re in and see what you can do to accomplish your life goals.