kari on 12th Dec

A lot of people have mixed feelings about donating blood but there are lots of benefits that comes with donating blood. I...

kari on 12th Dec

Some coffee creamer flavors look yummy when you first look at them but if you stop and really think about it before you try...

kari on 12th Dec

When your throat hurts sometimes you can’t always see a doctor and get medication for it. Your throat could end up hurting...

kari on 11th Dec

There have been some strange medical treatments have helped a lot when others have failed miserably. A few medical treatments...

kari on 10th Dec

Just recently it was announced that Cinnamon Toast Crunch would be coming back to the stores and you will be able to buy...

bisky on 09th Dec

Here is our list of the Top 10 of America’s Most Haunted Houses, which are guaranteed to send a few shivers down your spine....

Billy Mahoney on 08th Dec

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when hear the term “flying ace”? For those who do now know, a flying...

Billy Mahoney on 08th Dec

The best thing about most of the myths is that a large number of people believe in them. However, there is nothing better...

Billy Mahoney on 07th Dec

A sniper is the professional who engages in marksmanship as an individual or in the form of a team with the goal of killing...

Billy Mahoney on 07th Dec

The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle is the main one that has appalled researchers from all over the world. It is for sure...

kari on 05th Dec

You can still look amazing even though you’re all bundled up for the winter. I know. You think that you might not look...

kari on 04th Dec

If you’re a single guy and tired of being alone and wondering why you’re not married or dating just yet then there might...

kari on 04th Dec

There are times when a dog might become stressed out, panic, over aroused or just anxious and it can be hard to calm them...

kari on 04th Dec

There are some awesome car accessories out there but then there are some car accessories that makes you look twice and then...

kari on 03rd Dec

A lot of people are familiar with the most expensive states that you can live in the USA such as Washington DC, New York...

kari on 02nd Dec

A lot of people enjoy having a salad with their favorite toppings on it and salad dressing. I love to have hard boiled eggs...